Funder to Funder Toolkit: Supporting partnerships with non-qualified donees

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  • Funder to Funder Toolkit: Supporting partnerships with non-qualified donees

June 2024

The McConnell Foundation, in partnership with the Fondation André et Lucie Chagnon, Inspirit Foundation, and Laidlaw Foundation, launched the Toolkit for Working with Non-Qualified Donees. The Toolkit aims to help and encourage more funders to support non-qualified donees. The Canada Revenue Agency issued new guidance in 2023 to make it easier for funders to support such organizations. As a result, charities can now make qualifying disbursements to non-qualified donees if they meet certain criteria. The Toolkit provides an overview of non-qualified donees and provides tools and examples that can be used to facilitate working with these organizations. The Toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to working with non-qualified donees, which delves into the grantmaking process, accountability tools, administration, a contract example, governance, funding, and more.

Download the Toolkit for Working with Non-Qualified Donees to learn more, click here.

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