Gen Z and Millennial job satisfaction linked to employer ability to champion courage

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  • Gen Z and Millennial job satisfaction linked to employer ability to champion courage

January 2024

According to a recent study conducted by Nestlé Canada, workplaces need a foundation of agility, courage, and trust to build and maintain satisfied teams. Generation Z and Millennials are at the forefront of changing societal and workplace norms, and this study sheds light on the needs and expectations of these generations.

Nestlé surveyed over 1100 Canadians between the ages of 20 and 35 and discovered that 93% of them would like to work for an agile organization, which supports fast and flexible decision-making. Of those surveyed, 96% indicated that the best organizations to work for reward courage and allow employees to share ideas. Among the respondents who indicated that they are contemplating leaving their current positions, 77% reported that their employer is not agile, and 72% indicated that they are not given the level of trust they need. Generation Z and Millennials are setting the new standard for work, and the report reveals the next steps for employers to cultivate a dynamic workplace, learn more

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