Survey reveals managers play a role in The Great Resignation

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  • Survey reveals managers play a role in The Great Resignation

January 2022

A new US survey by workforce engagement firm Ten Spot found that 46% of workers overall say they currently have a manager or a team lead that makes them want to quit their job. What’s even more staggering is that out of employees who are also managers, 81% say they want to quit because of their manager.

Additionally, overall 61% of workers are concerned that both their career advancement opportunities and their earning potential are in jeopardy as a result of the remote relationship they have with their manager. When looking at the group of people who want to quit because of their manager, 78% are concerned their career opportunities are in jeopardy and 77% are concerned their earning potential is in jeopardy.

So, what’s the “why” behind workers wanting to quit because of their manager? Well, 67% say they have a good working relationship and good communication with their managers, so it’s not that. In fact, when these workers describe their manager’s management style since working remotely it’s first – organized (51%), second – relaxed (43%), and finally – micromanager (34%).

Micromanagement may be a key underlying issue, as when looking at all respondents, micromanager comes in fifth at 25% after organized (52%), relaxed (44%), confident (36%), and motivating (27%).

The survey revealed that 78% of managers feel they need training on how to be better managers, particularly in hybrid and remote work environments. Additionally, nearly half (47%) of managers find it more difficult (26%) or exceptionally more difficult (21%) to manage people remotely. What they need the most to improve the remote work relationship that managers have with their direct reports and teams are training on how to best manage and build relationships with people remotely (35%) and understanding how to best keep their direct reports and team members on track and accountable for their work (28%).

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