July 2024
- Posting by Chidi
- News

Sun Life, in partnership with Ipsos, released The gender health gap: Its impacts on working women in Canada report, which delves into the health needs, challenges, and wants of Canadian women. The study found that 60% of women noted that health issues around menstruation, menopause and reproductive health could affect their career advancement abilities. Furthermore, 37% of respondents said their employer provided adequate resources and support for women’s health. The study found that 68% of respondents perceive that women are at a workplace disadvantage compared to men if they take a leave of absence. Two-thirds (67%) of women noted that their age was a greater disadvantage for career opportunities compared to men. According to the research, women are not always finding the health supports they need, and due to the gender health gap, they are stepping back, stepping down, and stepping away from their careers. Sun Life stresses that organizations need to increase supports for women’s health and create workplaces that suit the health needs of all employees.
Access The gender health gap: Its impacts on working women in Canada report, click here.
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