The June 30 CRA filing deadline is fast approaching!

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  • The June 30 CRA filing deadline is fast approaching!

June 2022

Reminder, if your charity’s fiscal year ended on December 31, the deadline to file your T3010 annual information return is June 30. As this deadline approaches, the Canada Revenue Agency encourage all charities to file their return using the digital service for charities offered through the My Business Account (MyBA). If you haven’t done so already, sign up for MyBA, or if you are an authorized representative, sign up for Represent a Client.

If you require further assistance, or are looking for tips on completing your return, visit the T3010 charity return – Overview page. Refer to this comprehensive guide on Completing the Registered Charity Information Return for further details. The CRA’s client service team is prepared to support you. If you require assistance completing your return or using digital services, please dial 1-800-267-2384.

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