Canadian labour force expected to continue to grow over the next two decades, despite baby boomers retiring

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  • Canadian labour force expected to continue to grow over the next two decades, despite baby boomers retiring

September 2024

Statistics Canada released the latest labour force data report which delves into projections for the Canadian labour force. The report, Canadian labour force: What will happen once baby boomers retire, predicts that the Canadian labour force will continue to grow over the next two decades, despite the fact that a large portion of baby boomers are retiring. Statistics Canada notes that this projection takes into account migratory increases and a rise in the labour force participation rate among older workers. The labour force projections vary significantly from province to province, and national projections mask discrepancies between provinces.

If you are interested in learning more about the projections, access the Canadian labour force: What will happen once baby boomers retire? report.

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