Cause We Care Foundation Community Grants: Supporting programs and initiatives that empower single mothers

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  • Cause We Care Foundation Community Grants: Supporting programs and initiatives that empower single mothers

May 2024

The Cause We Care Foundation is now accepting applications for its Community Grants Program, which supports programs and initiatives that empower single mothers. The Foundation aims to empower single mothers to achieve economic security, build capacity, and create a positive future for themselves and their children.

Application process and eligibility

  • Organization applying for a grant must be a registered Canadian charity which is providing direct services to single mothers and/or their children within the BC Lower Mainland.
  • Applicants must complete a CWCF grant application form and submit it to Application forms can be downloaded here.
  • Application deadlines are January 31st and June 15th each year.

Disbursements and reporting:

  • Grants will be made for a period of one year.
  • The maximum grant is $30,000/year.
  • Recipients of grants must complete an annual Program Evaluation Report, detailing outcomes achieved, before any subsequent grant requests will be considered.
  • Program reports must specifically address progress towards CWCF intended outcomes for single mothers: improved economic security; improved personal capacity; greater opportunities and improved well-being for their children.

For further information about the Community Grants Program or to apply, click here.

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