Participate now in the new survey from the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities

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  • Participate now in the new survey from the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities

August 2022

Black-serving (B3) groups and organizations have experienced limitations in attracting funding and adapting to new realities. In response, the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities (NABC) is focusing its capacity building and system leadership program support for B3 groups and organizations to accelerate recovery, promote healing, and support resiliency.

If you work at a B3 organization in a senior leadership capacity, you are invited to complete the following adaptive capacity survey to help us better understand your capacity and learning needs. Your responses will inform the learning engagements and supports NABC will be offering in the coming months. The survey completion requires about 25 minutes. Please complete the survey by August 5, 2022. NABC are offering $25 to incentivize your participation. 

Participate in the survey.

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