August 2023
- Posting by Chidi
- News

Humane Canada announced a call for speakers for the 2024 Summit for Animals in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 5-7, 2024. Each year the Summit brings together hundreds of advocates, professionals, and volunteers to challenge perceptions, learn about innovations, and make valuable professional connections to advance each individual’s animal welfare journey. Leaders and innovators in the animal welfare sector are invited to deliver an educational session on a range of relevant topics, the Summit for Animals’ program committee is seeking submissions under the following categories:
May 5 – Learning Labs Educational Topics
- Animal Care and Behaviour
- Enforcement
- Tackling Fatigue & Building Resilience
- Volunteer Management and Engagement
May 6th and 7th – Summit for Animals Educational Topics
- Companion Animals
- Wild and Farmed Animals
- Access to Care (not accepting submissions)
- Build and Innovate
- Outreach and Integration
The deadline for applications is September 8, 2023, at 12:00 PM Eastern Time.
For application details or to apply, click here.
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