Vancouver Foundation announced new multi-year, flexible, operating grants for BIPOC-led organizations in British Columbia

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  • Vancouver Foundation announced new multi-year, flexible, operating grants for BIPOC-led organizations in British Columbia

July 2024

The Vancouver Foundation announced new multi-year, flexible, operating grants for BIPOC-led organizations in British Columbia. The LEVEL BIPOC grants offer flexible, multi-year operational funding to BIPOC-led, BIPOC youth-led and youth-engaging organizations, empowering BIPOC leaders across the province and laying the foundation for the next generation.

In 2024, at least 60 grants will be available, distributed through two grant streams: BIPOC Leadership and BIPOC Youth Leadership. Each award is $150,000, to be distributed in equal amounts over three years. There will be 20 grants available in the BIPOC Youth Leadership stream. Organizations will be asked to self-identify as both BIPOC-led and BIPOC youth-led and/or youth-engaging. You can review pages 4 and 5 of the application guide to see the full eligibility criteria for both grant streams.

Application Deadline: August 15 at 12pm PT

For further information about the grant program or to apply, click here.

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